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Customer testimonials
Proud to work with exceptional companies that we admire and appreciate.

Our clients make us who we are, and we're delighted to share some of them with you.

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    Since 1975, IFAC has helped beef, dairy, and potato farmers with their finances, from balancing books to paying taxes. We needed digital transformation to achieve more robust access to the internet, with disaster recovery policies and security to improve services to the 14,000 of rural farmers we work with. We approached ROCTEL and they immediately rolled up their sleeves and in just six months ROCTEL installed more than 300 Cisco access point routers, switches and devices across the network. They also rolled several solutions under its ROCSOLID Managed Service to help our members work together and manage their new network. ROCTEL connected all devices, delivered carrier neutral connectivity to offer disaster recovery, high speeds and security to all our IFAC locations. Farmers can walk into any location of IFAC’s in the country and enjoy enterprise class Cisco Wi-fi without changing credentials or compromising security. Thank you ROCTEL!

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    “I would very much like to take the time to thank you ALL for your effort in finding a solution to my recent query.   I was totally impressed by everybody’s effort and the final solution. I think this reflects very well on your company, again many thanks and appreciation”.

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    “The difference in service was amazing. There were no delays, no excuses, no messing: just prompt and efficient service. When I discovered that they also handled voice traffic, I asked them to provide a quote. While cost is obviously a major factor in our decision to move to ROCTEL, the level of customer service was also very important. I can pick up the phone and know that I will have their attention immediately. There is a lot to be said for working with a smaller telecommunications company. We are treated as a very important customer and not just a number. It is rare to get quality and cost in a single package and then to have top class service on top. It’s great!”

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    “We need scalable and reliable IT infrastructure today to underpin and secure our future goal. Cisco has helped InnaLabs go from startup mode to full-scale production. Now that we’ve set our sights on the world, it’s good to know Cisco technology, underpinned by ROCTEL's Managed Service, offers an IT roadmap that is as ambitious as ours. The future is bright.”

    Learn more about this Case Study

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    Cisco Case Study: The 1st Wireless Mesh Network in Ireland

    From the outset, we said to ourselves we couldn’t possibly host such an event without free access Wi-Fi and plenty of bandwidth to play with. The ROCTEL people were great. They had a fantastic can-do approach from the beginning, and followed through with an admirable project management system that kept me up-to-date with all their actions. ROCTEL continued to play a key role by hosting the show’s applications on its own servers via its Cisco-based ROCSOLID managed service.

    Learn more about this Case Study

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    Solving Retail Connectivity Problems with Cisco Meraki and ROCTEL at Your Side

    "Retailers require connectivity in a cashless future, but franchise owners don’t always have all the appropriate resources at their disposal."

    Learn more here

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    The Scotch House

    "We we were looking for the best connectivity and Wi-Fi throughout our building for our tenants. Thankfully, ROCTEL, along with CISCO, provided that for us."

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    " At MD7, we're acutely aware that world-class communication infrastructure serves as the cornerstone for business innovation and excellence.
    In today's fast-paced world, staying connected is not just a necessity but a game-changer. That's why we're grateful the Scotch House, in Dublin, Ireland has partnered with industry leader ROCTEL to provide our international headquarters with cutting-edge connectivity solutions that keep us at the forefront of progress.
    Through the power of connectivity, our teams collaborate seamlessly, share ideas effortlessly, and drive innovation with lightning speed. When communication flows smoothly, creativity and productivity soar, reshaping the landscape of what's possible. We strive to give our employees the best technology possible. That's why we have been partners with ROCTEL for the past 10 years. ROCSOLID enables us to have the best performance."

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