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5 Tips for your Cyber Security.
February 28, 2022 at 12:00 AM

1. Be careful who you communicate with
Sometimes criminals will make fake profiles or social media accounts specifically to target you. Just because it seems like they have a lot in common with you, doesn’t mean they really do.
2. Use two-factor authentication
You can do this with an app such as Google Authenticator, or from SMS codes sent directly to your phone using technology like Duo . If you want to be very secure you can do it with a hardware key that you plug straight into your computer or laptop.
3. Think about what you’re posting on social media
If you share personal photos such as your birthday or new house, you could potentially be giving away sensitive data such as your date of birth or address to cybercriminals. Think twice about who follows you and what you want them to see and know about you.
4. Patch early, patch often
There are millions of computers still at risk from WannaCry, LogJ4 and others– this means they haven’t been patched for more than two and a half years! Don’t be one of those people. The best way to stay up to date is have auto-updates on so you know you’re running the latest software. Even better we can manage it for you- do you need the hassle of managing it ?
5. Use a password manager
Password managers will create and remember complex passwords for you, making it easy for you to keep different passwords for every website. All you need to do is remember one super long and complicated password for the manager itself.
Remember, Cyber Security is a process and it is continuous, the technology that is available is excellent but you will still need to have your own Cyber Security policies, do you have one ? if not ROCTEL can offer you a free evaluation for your current situation it will give you a free report following a trial of our Cyber Defence review, to secure your review email and we will arrange it for you Free of Charge.

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